Empowering Communities, Changing Lives! Volunteer & Service Opportunities.
We believe every child deserves to play, look, and feel their best! Our charity projects start locally and within each community's Schools, Churches and Businesses.
We then host events to engage and thank our supporters, raise funds and ship our donations to children in refugee camps, war-torn countries and impoverished regions of the world proving access to joyful activities, positive social interaction and much needed movement/exercise therapy.
Empowering Communities, Changing Lives! Volunteer & Service Opportunities.
We believe every child deserves to play, look, and feel their best! Our charity projects start locally and within each community's Schools, Churches and Businesses.
We then host events to engage and thank our supporters, raise funds and ship our donations to children in refugee camps, war-torn countries and impoverished regions of the world proving access to joyful activities, positive social interaction and much needed movement/exercise therapy.